Tax Law Changes – 3/23/18


Patrick Thomas, Esq. of the Notre Dame Clinical Law Center both teaches and rules a law clinic at the University of Notre Dame. Through his work with the public at the clinic he sees many examples of erroneous family law divorce agreements and examples of divorce decrees that if worded differently may have avoided years of resulting litigation. He covers the rules for claiming dependents on Federal Tax Returns as well. This course will update us with all relevant 2018 tax laws.



Patrick Thomas, Esq. of the Notre Dame Clinical Law Center both teaches and rules a law clinic at the University of Notre Dame. Through his work with the public at the clinic he sees many examples of erroneous family law divorce agreements and examples of divorce decrees that if worded differently may have avoided years of resulting litigation. He covers the rules for claiming dependents on Federal Tax Returns as well. This course will update us with all relevant 2018 tax laws.